Python’s itertools: Simplifying Combinatorial Iteration


In the vast landscape of Python libraries, there’s a powerful ally often overlooked by many: itertools. Within this module lie a lot of functions - each a formidable tool for generating combinations and permutations, eliminating the need for complex nested loops.

Understanding itertools:

At its core, itertools is a module in Python’s standard library that provides various functions for creating iterators for efficient looping. Among its offerings are product(), combinations(), and permutations(), each serving a distinct purpose in generating combinations and permutations from iterable inputs. In this blog post, we’ll embark on a journey to unveil the capabilities of these three functions and explore how each function can be utilized to tackle combinatorial challenges efficiently.

Let’s start by importing itertools:

import itertools

1. product()

itertools.product() computes the Cartesian product of input iterables, generating all possible combinations of elements from multiple iterables. It generates combinations lazily, consuming memory efficiently, which makes it suitable for handling large datasets without exhausting system resources.

Suppose we want to find all possible combinations of given two colors and shapes respectively:

colors = ['red', 'blue']
shapes = ['circle', 'square']

color_shape_combinations = itertools.product(colors, shapes)
for combination in color_shape_combinations:
('red', 'circle')
('red', 'square')
('blue', 'circle')
('blue', 'square')

We can also specify the number of times each element can be repeated from the input iterables:

colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow']
combinations = itertools.product(colors, repeat = 2)
for combo in combinations:
('red', 'red')
('red', 'green')
('red', 'blue')
('red', 'yellow')
('green', 'red')
('green', 'green')
('green', 'blue')
('green', 'yellow')
('blue', 'red')
('blue', 'green')
('blue', 'blue')
('blue', 'yellow')
('yellow', 'red')
('yellow', 'green')
('yellow', 'blue')
('yellow', 'yellow')

2. combinations()

Combination describes the number of possible arrangements of a set of elements where the order does not matter. itertools.combinations() generates all possible combinations of a specified length from the input iterable.

Let’s try to find different combinations of given four colours:

colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow']
combinations = itertools.combinations(colors, 2)
for combo in combinations:
('red', 'green')
('red', 'blue')
('red', 'yellow')
('green', 'blue')
('green', 'yellow')
('blue', 'yellow')

3. permutations()

Permutation describes the number of ways in which a set of elements can be arranged. Hence, the order matter in case of permutations. itertools.permutations() generates all possible permutations of a specified length from the input iterable.

Now, let’s find all the permutations for the combination of those four colours:

permutations = itertools.permutations(colors, 2)
for per in permutations:
('red', 'green')
('red', 'blue')
('red', 'yellow')
('green', 'red')
('green', 'blue')
('green', 'yellow')
('blue', 'red')
('blue', 'green')
('blue', 'yellow')
('yellow', 'red')
('yellow', 'green')
('yellow', 'blue')

For pre-existing combinations, permutations can also be found by:

for combo in combinations:
    permutations = itertools.permutations(combo)
    for perm in permutations:
('red', 'green')
('green', 'red')
('red', 'blue')
('blue', 'red')
('red', 'yellow')
('yellow', 'red')
('green', 'blue')
('blue', 'green')
('green', 'yellow')
('yellow', 'green')
('blue', 'yellow')
('yellow', 'blue')


The itertools module in Python provides a treasure trove of functions for efficiently generating combinations and permutations. Whether you’re exploring all possible combinations, generating permutations, or tackling complex problems requiring intricate arrangements, itertools is your trusted companion. So, the next time you find yourself faced with a combinatorial challenge, remember to harness the power of itertools to unlock elegant and efficient solutions. Happy iterating!